Tag Archive | Clean Movies

Clean & Pure Family Movies

How to check for movie ratingsProfessionally

written by Gerald Ashkar

Have you ever rented a movie to watch with your family or perhaps bought a new box office trendy movie that had just recently hit the cinema as a gift to watch with your friend, family or loved ones to be utterly embarrassed later? And find out it has disturbing scenes, that are not suitable for the eyes. And got all eyes staring at you from the sides of their eyes! Lol no worry..

This article got you covered and will save you from such a horror future momentos. And save you time researching.

So.. these important questions pop up in your mind:

How do I find out about how clean and pure a movie is for the eyes and ears

How can I rate a movie to see how suitable it is for age range and occasion, considering family, kids, friends and church movie nights.

Bottom line question is:

Are you familiar with how to check movie ratings?

Thankfully there are great two ways to do that before watching any movie

  • Please tell me how to check the ratings as I don’t know?

Here is a straight forward jump into THE ANSWER:

To check movie ratings, first popular way is when checking the movie trailer on YouTube, at the beginning of any rated movie, you’ll see a green screen with a box at the bottom and you’ll have a tag for the rating.

Now that is the main mainstream way that was legally made for people to be able to see the movie ratings, and that is officially done by the CLASSIFICATION AND RATING ADMINISTRATION Motion Picture Association of America, Inc.

If you head to their website which you can see if you look closely on any green screen before any movie trailer intro, they list their website which is: www.filmratings.com

From there if you scroll to the bottom you have all the movie tags and their definitions and if you click on the search icon you can type in any movie name and can see its rating, which was done by the Motion Pictures Association.

The good thing about this is that… you get all legal movies that hit the cinemas with their tag.

But the bad thing for movie makers they have to pay them money to get that tag lol

Anyways this is the International way of doing it.

The second way is to google search: “(movie name) christian review” and you’ll almost always see the website https://www.commonsensemedia.org/

Or just by going to the website and searching any movie name… (not the entire movies that hit the cinema are listed but most of them) I don’t think they would watch horror movies (under R rated movies) to list them on their site unless they were good R rating for example The Passion of the Christ is listed as R rating because of severe violence and blood shed…

So I typically check on filmratings.com first if I have no idea, then I check on commonsensemedia.org to see detailed rating.

And this is what I mean by detailed, rated by stars under each aspect, and you can click on each one to see further written details of the actual scenes they refer to.

That’s it! You have now learned the notch of movie ratings investigations. And are now ready to enter into the crime scene and do all the forensic science analyses. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to my blog to receive more fancy dishes of well done research steak bits and bytes to enrich your memory biceps.